One of our future upcoming performers on ABDC (America's Best Dance Crew).W
This little darling got the moves, I want a child like that !
And people ask me why am I so obsessed with the man that is John Mayer.
He's so cool ! lol
At the young vital age of 19 I can hardly get a qualified penis (to whom I refer to as men ) to glance in my direction. Sure, I take into consideration why this could be and why has humanity failed me so, but of course, to no avail. In my defense, God enjoys my lonely humor.
Anywhose, this victorian maiden who goes by the name of Wook Kondour, is 107 years of age and on the prowl for a young and vivacious whipper snapper to come and do her bidding. Her husband of the moment, who is by the way Husband number 22 is a drug addict and currently in rehabilitation. Seemingly his drug addiction has left him with the perception of antiquity as beauty and has obliged to their breath taking romance.
Now most woman would be fearful of a husband with a drug addiction, she however is more concerned with being alone. She so desperately fears that after his time of recollection he'll no longer be jolted by that of crack or heroine and will see her for what she is and . . .skedaddle. Her lonliness has become overwhelming and as a precaution she is for lack of a better crazy " giving it up all crazy" to the next willing and able man. Uh. Any takers!?
Now i'll de damned. NEED I PUT IN BIG LETTERS ON A BILLBOARD "19 VITAL Woman In Waiting?" I mean old dirt bags that ovulate dust bunnies and sweats debris get more play than I do. That was pretty inconsiderate but this has alerted me of how much of a crisis i'm actually in.
Soo much has transpired i honestly don't know where to start. But since I ended it with bloodsuckers why not jump back into the story of these cold blooded specimens?!
From previous postings im sure its pretty bloody obvious that I am a TwiHard. An incessant obsessor of that of the " Twilight ". I'm not embarrassed or ashamed of my love for an object or inanimate characters.I am actually positively grateful for it has changed my life! But enough of the sappy love story between me and my books here is the extended trailer that is to die for !!!!
Oh my Buddha!!! the anticipation is killing me, CAN YOU BELIEVE THE TICKETS HAVE ALREADY GONE ON SALE!? I want to go opening night but my friends find me insane for wanting to buy the tickets 2 mnths in advance. BUT I'LL GO. By my dam self at 12 am in these DC streets if need be. By God I will !
Kudos to Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart and Taylor Lautner!
Dakota Fanning totally kick ass as a Vampire! && the boy from 6th sense where the hell you been!?
yo ! So i definitely been down and out for a a couple of minutos but I have returned with fire in my loins ! =]