One of our future upcoming performers on ABDC (America's Best Dance Crew).W
This little darling got the moves, I want a child like that !
And people ask me why am I so obsessed with the man that is John Mayer.
He's so cool ! lol
At the young vital age of 19 I can hardly get a qualified penis (to whom I refer to as men ) to glance in my direction. Sure, I take into consideration why this could be and why has humanity failed me so, but of course, to no avail. In my defense, God enjoys my lonely humor.
Anywhose, this victorian maiden who goes by the name of Wook Kondour, is 107 years of age and on the prowl for a young and vivacious whipper snapper to come and do her bidding. Her husband of the moment, who is by the way Husband number 22 is a drug addict and currently in rehabilitation. Seemingly his drug addiction has left him with the perception of antiquity as beauty and has obliged to their breath taking romance.
Now most woman would be fearful of a husband with a drug addiction, she however is more concerned with being alone. She so desperately fears that after his time of recollection he'll no longer be jolted by that of crack or heroine and will see her for what she is and . . .skedaddle. Her lonliness has become overwhelming and as a precaution she is for lack of a better crazy " giving it up all crazy" to the next willing and able man. Uh. Any takers!?
Now i'll de damned. NEED I PUT IN BIG LETTERS ON A BILLBOARD "19 VITAL Woman In Waiting?" I mean old dirt bags that ovulate dust bunnies and sweats debris get more play than I do. That was pretty inconsiderate but this has alerted me of how much of a crisis i'm actually in.
Soo much has transpired i honestly don't know where to start. But since I ended it with bloodsuckers why not jump back into the story of these cold blooded specimens?!
From previous postings im sure its pretty bloody obvious that I am a TwiHard. An incessant obsessor of that of the " Twilight ". I'm not embarrassed or ashamed of my love for an object or inanimate characters.I am actually positively grateful for it has changed my life! But enough of the sappy love story between me and my books here is the extended trailer that is to die for !!!!
Oh my Buddha!!! the anticipation is killing me, CAN YOU BELIEVE THE TICKETS HAVE ALREADY GONE ON SALE!? I want to go opening night but my friends find me insane for wanting to buy the tickets 2 mnths in advance. BUT I'LL GO. By my dam self at 12 am in these DC streets if need be. By God I will !
Kudos to Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart and Taylor Lautner!
Dakota Fanning totally kick ass as a Vampire! && the boy from 6th sense where the hell you been!?
yo ! So i definitely been down and out for a a couple of minutos but I have returned with fire in my loins ! =]
The Sequel to Twilight. The most anticipated movie of 2009...well..other than Harry Potter.
You cant tell me, this don't look poppin!
There's an obvious difference between both films; the quality for one. Everything else is pretty much the same other than the difference in the plot. [which might I add, is poppin!]
Out in theaters Nov. 20th 2009!
yay! I'm too excited!
"And so the lion fell in love with the lamb"
"What a stupid lamb"
"What a sick..masochistic..lion..."
- Twilight (Film)
It's crazy how inanimate objects can become so dear to you. Or maybe it's the thoughts. But since amnesia is the only allowable force to remove my thoughts which would render me helpless. I feel the removal of the books would also render me saddened as well. So yes, I am attached to the books where the thoughts lie. lol Crazy maybe? Good thing copies are always available. lol But honestly who has money for that!? I am definitely NOT recession free. but anyways..
The Twilight Saga, which I now refer to as "my babies" has permanently scarred my brain with no resistance. I have fallen so deeply in love with the characters, you would think they existed rather than inanimate, intangible thoughts of a talented author; of myself.
My deepest condolences to those who refuse to read due to the appearance of vampires, for there is so much more! Her (Stephanie Meyer) words live in my thoughts as a reminder of it's ability to intercept your thoughts and emotions, to change your world. It was a great -magnificent- well words can't explain.
Through words you are carried into another world, a reality different than your own, different than most. A well appreciated escape if you ask me. One you wouldn't mind running towards on a good day.
I am a hopeless romantic myself. Which is probably why this love story has a hold on me as it does. But for all those out there like me, give it a try and for those who aren't, you never know you may leave with a different outlook.
Kudos. Standing Ovation. 5 stars. 2 thumbs up. To Stephanie Meyer, you've scarred me for life.
Thank you. =]
If I could just explain?
Put it in laymen terms so you could understand?
I'm sure as day; most think they've got it figured out.
But how perceptive are you. really?
If I could arrange my thoughts into coherent fragments, comma splices..
maybe one day sentences and statements.
You'd understand.
If I could just intercept your thoughts relaying my messages, my visuals, my dreams, my desires.
Maybe you'd get the drift?
Unfortunately my thoughts remain silent as a mute.
Maybe one day.
This pic. makes me happy. =D
I've always been interested in photography. Being able to capture the essence of a moment with a simple click, intrigues me. Fortunately I'm not the worst picture taker you've ever seen, but neither am I the best. lol. Guess thats why I didn't move on it sooner.
Actually my Daddy brought me a camera used for photography...but that was years ago. Then I didn't understand the wonder that it entailed, I jus complained about it's big clonky size. lol && now when I find it useful, it's broken. SMH kids.
But i'll do what i can with my regular digital sony for now.
I woke up on the end of the bed this morning. In other words feeling down. That irritated me a bit because I believe you should awaken refreshed ( if u happened to get enough sleep) and ready to begin your day. But my eyes have seen the glory and the blind shatters removed.
Things have become quite crystal to me in recent weeks.
I've always been the Bullseye. I've been stamped with that ratchet label since the beginning of time. or rather H.S or Middle School i don't remember. But that derives from my goofy nature; i love the feeling of laughter and happiness even if its only momentary. Which is why I preform such outlandish acts, but it's natural.
I don't mind jokes. Of course not! Because I make them myself from time to time. But when I become the target, like when suddenly you and you laugh plus three minus me. It becomes the problem. Not that it hurts my feelings. Its just rather annoying. Because I can't make jokes or act a certain way with being labeled [ a ] joke.
But i'm no longer goin to give people the satisfaction. Although I do love sharing a laugh or two.
I'm not a clown. There's people that get paid for that occupation.
so ! maybe certain reactions are suitable for certain people. That's what I'll work off from now on. && if that doesn't work because i'm just a ball of funny. I'll jus remove myself. Eventually they'll learn.
Can't b bothered!
Now imagine if she would've colabed with Kayne!? SMH at the level of Poppingness!
Yeah, maybe it is a Single Ladies duplicate. But so what! Bey's still FLAWLESS.
To my surprise a book I read many years ago has made it's way unto the big screen. The dialect of the text that can only deem as illiteracy, gave me quite a headache. However, as baffling as it was for me to understand the text, it was even more difficult for me to put it down. "Push" by Sapphire was nothing less than outstanding. For those who hasn't read the book, I won't ruin it for you with my own review but the trailer is below. The movie is entitled "Precious"Precious, originally known as Push: Based on the Novel by Sapphire, is a 2009 drama film, adapted from the 1996 Sapphire novel Push about a teenage girl living in Harlem.[2] The film premiered in January 2009 at the Sundance Film Festival, where it won the Audience Award and the Grand Jury Prize for best drama, as well as a Special Jury Prize for supporting actress Mo'Nique.
This reluctance to join twitter && the bashing of those who did!? SMH at you simple brained bafoons!
I did refuse to join at first because of it's imbecilic nature BUT, the bigger picture was not clear to me! The main purpose of twitter is for stars or people of I guess societal importance to update us (their fans) on their day by day doings. To have a direct connection with their fans && expose what their lives consist of.
So You see, that's why I twit. I'm preparing for stardom and societal importance!
All that i'm not giving into twitter is a no-go.
Sh*t...this is preparation if you ain't know!
I have been hearing about this Asher Roth kid for a while, never giving him a chance initially. I don't know what it is with me and new music and new artists. I love loving who I love and it's take a while for a new love to come into the picture.
Silly I know.
But anyways. This dude is the truth! I love his non-conformist swagger, his stride to be who he is, regardless of society's judgmental and apprehensive attitude! Shout outs to originality!
But seriously, the kid has talent. Today he happened to be on 106 & Park and he rapped or rather PSA'd about Obesity...
SOLD! to the Black girl in the blue.
When is he coming to ?!?!?! I wanna ticket!
Real ish!
This young man is named Brandon Hines. I first came across this new talent on a youtube vid. Then again in an old clipping in Howard's Newspaper the Hilltop; come to find out he attended Howard maybe 2 yrs or so before he left to pursue his career. Then maybe a month or so later I saw him preform at club Love. I must say, it does a spirit good to hear success stories, especially from my very own Howard U.
No, I don't know this guy personally but I couldn't be happier to see him progess. It's something about Black Success that makes me tingle. && a Howardite at that! I a way it gives me hope. Listen to his track feat. Ryan Leslie-Find you
Find You feat. Ryan Leslie - Brandon Hines
This is the lovely Lance Gross yet another successful Howardite!
Oh yes fellas. It's all about those pearly whites.
My plead to beyonce went onto other ish.
If you guys witnessed the season finale of making the band, I'm sure you took note; Dawn is the only remaining member of Danity Kane still signed Bad Boy Records. On one of the previous episodes I remember Diddy saying " None of you are strong enough to go solo" (speaking to Day 26, the rest of Danity Kane and hopeless Donnie) or something to that effect. But apparently this is not so, since Dawn first single has leaked over the weekend. "Trainwreck". Supposedly she wrote it after DK's break.
Guess Diddy's been working her to the bone for her to advance to his "solo" standards so soon.
Check it out =]
Dear Beyonce,
Now I love you. You know I do. Ok possibly you don't. But DAAAMM! These concert tickets...really though?! Your father, Mr. Matthew Knowles is a great business man, but he is charging intirely too much for your tickets! I was extremely excited to sing along with you during your concert, even had a vision of you inviting me on stage to sing along with you (we all have dreams). It was the icing to my birthday cake. Yes, the day you come to the NYC is my Birthday. But sadly I have been discouraged by your price range and can not go! Although fortunately you guys aren't experiencing this recession, us folks down yonder sho' is. Now this is not asking for alot Beyonce! I just want to come see you, is that so much to ask! Do you know how much more your revenue would be if you just lower the prices?! Ok maybe not so much but so what! I appreciate true artistry and true talent. And thats you. You are it! And I just want to experience that in person. But your team is stopping me. Your father is stopping me! When we get together in the future I wont forget this! Or maybe I will after a few magaritas on the beach. But anyways Beyonce, guess I'll just have to bye the DVD. Watch from my livingroom and use my vivid imagination as always. Just think about it ok?! PLEASE CONTACT ME ASAP!
A lover of your artistry and talent
Bianca M Garwood.
I'm a big believer of not living by your fears, what you fear, you attract, in every aspect of life.
- Sanaa Lathan
I bangs with her so hard for that one!
Something to think on people.
Sometimes it bothers me how closely associated my personality characteristics are with my sign. But it's true and there's no denying it. Often with such comes misunderstanding. && I'm not one for explanations and even so-- still nothing.
Some reading this may laugh or shrug or make other lil innuendos but that is expected. It is your perception if you feel as if I am foolish but like many before you, you misinterpret "me".
I am not just my sign, there's so much more to me and with that addition, I can be a bit much. I know. But i find that change wont do any good--phoniness is a no go. So the only thing left is- acceptance. Accept me. Accept me and you'll find... well..
simply put, To know me is to love me.
If you choose not to, I don't fault you. Thus is life.
ok know I had to do it!
Happy Mother's Day Mommy!
Guess what I got my mommmy for her special day!? A manicure and her favorite..butter pecan ice cream from Hagen daas. Hey..its the thought that counts though! lol
Anyways, although we put aside one day out the year to celebrate there necessities to our lives, this should be acknowledged daily. I love my mommy for the beautiful gracious wonderful person she is. Ok yeah she get on my nerves and somtimes i just want push her off the cliff. (figuratively of course) I love her all the same and i try to tell her that when i can. I'll probably be the same to my children. You know what they say "Like mother, Like daughter"
So be thankful for your mommies man, and make she she knows it! For tomorrow or Next week isn't promised to us!
Again, i say.. Happy Mother's Days! To mines, yours, theirs..ours!
From previous post it should be obvious that I love music and love talented singers, If not..I do! I don't know if you guys remember Jhene, she use to sing on some of B2K's tracks back in the day. She's actually a really talented singer and song writer. See her below lullabying her young daughter with her angelic voice and sweet raspy tone. You'll fall in love with her voice instantly! Well, i did!
Heres another song of hers that i like..
Wait No More - Jhene
So I wonder about this H1N1 rubbish. I laugh at all the jokes made and I participate in all necessary repercussions..for now. But for how long will this continue? How long will we keep up this charade? a few more days. A week? Maybe a month? And then we will continue on with our lives as if nothing effected us those few short days ago. The purchasing of masks will stop and people will continue to cough and sneeze openly.
But this always happens or haven't you noticed. Remember Madd Cow disease? Everyone went on a tantrum about meat and refusing to eat it. YET we still eat Mickey D's uncooked burgers.
Remember the E coli attack? And the bacteria within the tomatoes? But most of us still eat from taco bell and all these other fast food restaurants without a care!
Remember Aids?! When emaciation claimed the bodies of our closest friends? And they disappeared never to be seen again? A lot of people stopped having sex or vowed never to have unprotected sex. But yet, std and teen age pregnancy rates are still high.
After while everything becomes apart of normalcy. But why? Why do we become so comfortable?
I am a lover of Black Success. It's beautiful and I strive to be in that category that I so adore. And why not have a man (or woman) beside you doing the dam thing as well?! That's certainly a plus. Shout outs and Big Ups to all them Black movers and shakers who aren't apart of this recession!
-The President & First Lady
"The man" of their crafts, can it get any better?!
so what they swing, everybody has something to keep their marriage alive!
Thats only a few, but whoop whoop to all the rest of you!
Ok seriously!
This is America, we have Atomic Bombs, Nuclear Weapons, robots, we clone animals and we have no way of stopping this rubbish we call swine flu? Scientist are taking to long to figure out what the hell is going on in my book. Are the cures only for the rich?!
I'm too young to die and refuse to be a victim of this mass destruction!
Suit up!! Masks, bubble suits! By any means necessary protect yourself!
Don't be a Victim!
Long Live US!
Yeah man! ( That's a Drake Original Homebwoy)
I know most people recently have been riding the Drake wave.But why wouldn't you jump on the bandwagon though? He is quite the poppin artist. His mixtape "so far gone" has become very popular amongst the the public since it's drop in February. Congratulations! lol I often wonder what brain cell controls many of our artists genius in song making, because I want it!
Fortunately, another up and coming artist has been blessed with such talents; Priscilla Renae a you tube star that has recently been signed to Capitol Records. Here her sing her version of Best I ever had below
Such an inspiration aye?!
yeah man!
Like what you see?
For more Priscilla Renae.. Click Here!
For my Blacks in the Arts class we had to listen to three versions of a song called 'If only for one night". The two artist I remember were Jamie Foxx and Luther Vandross. Now everybody loves Luther, with his sultry sinful passion! But I bangs with Jamie so hard. I forgot how much I love and adore this man's voice. I don't know how many of you ever watched "The Jamie Foxx Show" but when it came on I watched it religiously. Even the re-runs. But anyways, the best part of the show other than the comedy, was his music, his voice
A while back when I was downloading some of his songs, I came along this song. It's his version of the Brady Bunch. I'm a R&B head at it's best and he definitely makes me "smh" shiver and melt.
Oh yeah, AND laugh.
Who doesn't want that?
Here's his version of "Slow Jam" &"If only for one Night"
I Digress!!!!!!!
P.S People trying to hate cause of that miley cirus rubbish, like he's not a comedian..and she's so innocent. Have you noticed her 21 year old boyfriend at her tender age of 16? and those picture on myspace with her panties? Smh
Hop Off.
I dont know if you guys watch this show, but you need to start! The Game on CW..It's popping, believe me! I will not tell a lie! But the crazy thing is, CW is trying to remove it from the air before it's Show finale! Rubbish I tell you!
I'm guessing it's due to the lack of viewers it's receiving but i mean come on now, it premieres 8pm on friday? FRIDAY!? Most people aren't home on friday, and they wonder about views!
They did it on purpose! The Game and Everybody loves Chris are the only black shows still on CW, they knocking us out one by one. But many people bang with The Game, so we are on a quest trying to save it.
The link below is a petition. Sign it and keep the Game on air.
And for all my howardites, keep our fellow howardite Wendy Raquel Robinson on the big screen!
Keep The Game on Air!
If you happen to be home, tune in every Friday 8pm on CW.
Is it or is not serious when a nation wide renowned magazine last issue will hit the stands this month!?
I thought it was just us "po' folks" feeling the licks of this recession, but I guess the people who we thought were balla babies getting they ass kicked too. Smh
Sooner or Later it all comes crashing down..
Sooner or later - N.E.R.D
&& with that being said, ya'll still trying to deadass raise MTA fare!? Ya'll already replacing the token booth people with metro machines, and have yet to be satisfied, you must consume the very little pennies we have left. While you bask in our riches.
bumass Economy.
Tonight's Episode!
Okay so..
I've been an avid watcher of Making the Band for the last few seasons. So, we all know that Danity Kane no longer exist and Dawn and Andrea are basically ..squatters. Now, these newbies that we shall call Day 26 are moving rather vigorously towards Dawn and Andrea's down trotted position.
Last season, who wasn't in love with Dawn and Que? They were the focus of the show because of the amount of views it received. It was in my opinion, beautiful. But as we trickled down to recent episodes in this season, is Que not indeed blowing yours?! He's definitely blowing mines. What THE FUX is on his biscuit!? This bitchassness that Diddy once spoke about is protuding rather evidently through his tears and tantrums. Put that shit back under the covers and reveal it when the crew is not recording, because your embarrassing yourself buddy.
For somebody who cherished an opportunity "so much" he's not putting much effort into savoring it. He must wants to be the cause of the groups break. I'm begining to think what the fux is up with his scrupples, something ain't right. Who cries and screams and throws such tantrums!?
Tune in today, MTV 9PM!
One of my favorite Beyonce Performances..
It must be amazing to do what you love to do, and be incredible at it..
Sitting here watching the "Beyonce Experience" I am ever more amazed by her talent.
Now I am not obsessed with this up and coming Legendary Diva, I am simply a lover of true and great artistry!
Excuse the pun but..
Whose fuxin with my girl Bey?!
She's on her "Jack of all Trades and a Master of Many!"
Her performances are amazing, she commands the stage there's Double, Even Triple Bey's! but she's a One Man Show!
She can Sing her ass off!
Dance her ass off!
She's great.
A True songstress.
A Performer.
Up and coming actress.
George?! Please..the ultimate Bday gift would be a ticket to her "I am." concert =]
Now i give props were props are due, my sons Jennifer Hudson and Christina Agruilera be on it, definitely!
-blogs on them at a later date.
WHAT THE FUX is this I here about MTA bumass increasing fare?! Are we deadass right now!?
Like I guess the recession is not obvious!? Stocks as low as 50 cent a share and millions of jobs being lost mean nothing?!
So..inconsiderate lil MTA wants to raise fare..up to 3 dollars!?
So that's 6 dollars now, if i want to go to my granny's for a lil bit!?
6 Dollars if I want to run up town for a tad?!
6 friggin dollars if i have a taste for Wendys? or Maye BBQ'S OR IHOP?!
Fux u mean!!?!?!?!?!?
this is the making of the genius; the actual link is below.
So, i've been told i'm late?
But Ryan Leslie just became the ultimate epitome of popping, by making gibberish listenable to the ear!
In the heart of Brownsville, we have our very own Obama Fried Chicken!
Trying to profit off of black success. tsk tsk
guess you have to do what needs to be done in this recession huh?!
and I mean hey, who don't want a piece of Obama!?!?
i'll take a fries and a shake, oh and some obama any Barack sauce? I like it hot..
I attend the illustrious Howard University, breeding talents such as Phylicia Rashad, Debbie Allan, Roberta Flack, Taraji Henson, Lance Gross and the list continues. Oh yeah, Cant forget Diddy! lol But as i reflect on such greatness attained by the people i mentioned, i wonder how and where did they get there? Can I get there?! Can you teach me!?!? I must reach!!!!
But reflecting on the future can be too much to bare
But I deal with the Amistad and Artic living conditions. sleeping on the floor like slaves in the summer, and taking cold ass showers in the winter!
..and the communal bathrooms where we have doors hanging off the hinges,and we're females are THE most unkept dirty animals i've ever seen... to get there!!
deal with food that taste like shake that ass, demonic animal like people that live in my dorm and animals that live in our bathroom! get there!!!
I deal with the "devil's playhouse" also known as the A building, who looses your documents, your money, scholarships, loans, adds mysterious money to your account, then try to remove you if you can't pay it! Crying blood wont budge those perodactyles..those 3 headed horned mammoths!!!! get there!!
But, the opportunites are endless here and so are the moments & memories of a life time.
so..i will deal with such things that may seem minute to those who read, but a terror to those who get there.
So I figure, why not vent on the net?! When you have something on your mind to express, those around you might not want to lend that ear, you know?
So...Bink at your service.